Immigration Service business owner to do time in the slammer

A woman in Clearwater, Florida whose business was to help immigrants get documented so they could work in the US has been found guilty of preparing phony claims for asylum—274 of them!   Hat tip: Susan From Tampa Bay Online: TAMPA – Barbara Branks said she was only trying to help immigrants. The owner of La Gringa … Continue reading Immigration Service business owner to do time in the slammer

ICE looking for 270 illegal Somalis who could be connected to Al-Shabaab

Update June 26th: Tracy appeals his probation, here. Update June 11th: Two indicted in Kenya for helping Tracy get Somalis to the US, here. Update June 5th: Tracy walks—he is a free man today!  Read about it here. Update May 17th: Tracy’s trial opens today in Virginia, here. Update April 29th: Maybe we found one, … Continue reading ICE looking for 270 illegal Somalis who could be connected to Al-Shabaab

Comment worth noting: Reader says many Somalis are economic migrants not true refugees

Last night we had a comment from Ibrahim Omar commenting on the post from a few days ago where we reported that up to possibly 13,000 additional Somali “refugees” were in the pipeline to come to the US this year.  Here is what Mr. Omar said: most Somalis in the list of us resettlement are … Continue reading Comment worth noting: Reader says many Somalis are economic migrants not true refugees

Are you sitting down! UN sending 6000 more Somalis to US this year

Update January 28th:  Rumor has it that we are in fact bringing well in excess of the 10,000-11,000 Somalis that we brought in 2004, 2005 and 2006 this year. They will come from all over the world.  Can you believe it?  We are in the worst recession since the Great Depression; refugee agencies are scrambling everywhere to take … Continue reading Are you sitting down! UN sending 6000 more Somalis to US this year