Somalis coming in through our wide open back door

Arrggghhhh!   Check out this story at the Los Angeles Times today.  It seems that Somalis aren’t waiting to get into the US as refugees but are sneaking across our borders and flying into our airports and asking for asylum. LANCASTER, Calif. (AP) — The asylum seeker from Somalia hung his head as an immigration judge grilled him … Continue reading Somalis coming in through our wide open back door

Surprise! First and second generation immigrants drawn to Jihad

The Wall Street Journal filed a report * over the weekend similar to the one Judy posted  from the New York Times yesterday—homegrown terrorism on the rise in the US.   Those two biggies of the mainstream media aren’t alone either because I have been seeing the same theme from various sources. They all report in a … Continue reading Surprise! First and second generation immigrants drawn to Jihad

BBC: FBI probe biggest plot since 9/11

That’s the BBC’s title for a report yesterday about the on-going investigation into the Somali (former refugee) missing youths case that we began following last November, here. My immediate thought on reading the title was that the FBI completely MISSED the biggest terrorist attack since 9/11—the massacre at Ft. Hood! I don’t really see anything new in … Continue reading BBC: FBI probe biggest plot since 9/11

From homeless in Rochester to Somali jihad financier

Update November 16th:  More insight on this story from Jerry Gordon at New English Review, here. Today comes news that the Somali arrested in the Netherlands this week and believed to be the recruiter and financier of the twenty-plus American Somali former refugees who returned to the Horn of Africa for Jihad training lived penniless … Continue reading From homeless in Rochester to Somali jihad financier

American Somali terror recruiter may have been arrested in the Netherlands

Although the FBI isn’t confirming it, a key person wanted in the Somali missing youth case that we have been following for a year is under arrest in the Netherlands reports the Minneapolis Star Tribune.  He was believed to be the recruiter and financier of the “youths” (former refugees*) who went to Africa to join the Jihad.   The … Continue reading American Somali terror recruiter may have been arrested in the Netherlands