Showdown? Dem Mayors say "yes" to Syrian Muslim refugees while governors say "no"

Expect a showdown in the next few weeks as hundreds of mostly Sunni Muslim Syrians (selected by the UN) are already en route to Democratic Party-run cities. I’m betting these mayors, who are bucking their mostly Republican governors, are also presiding over sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. This news is from CNN: WASHINGTON (CNN) —Democratic … Continue reading Showdown? Dem Mayors say "yes" to Syrian Muslim refugees while governors say "no"

Multi-million $$$ Lutheran group lobbies Congress/White House, demands more Syrian Muslim refugees be admitted to US

It is Sunday morning and if you are a Lutheran you need to have a talk with your pastor—ask what is being done in the name of your faith in Washington. Here we learn that Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) helped put on a two day lobbying initiative in Washington. Did they do it … Continue reading Multi-million $$$ Lutheran group lobbies Congress/White House, demands more Syrian Muslim refugees be admitted to US

Did your state get Syrian Muslim refugees in October? Kentucky still number one!

Update November 1:  The UNHCR has picked nearly 20,000 Syrians for us, says our commitment is “open-ended” here. The Obama Administration says they will resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees in the US in FY 2016 which began October 1.  Here is a map showing where the first 187 Syrians have been placed (as of today).   … Continue reading Did your state get Syrian Muslim refugees in October? Kentucky still number one!

Interfaith group working with CAIR to colonize Connecticut with Syrian 'refugees'

CAIR becomes a player! I’ve been reporting this morning (here) and in the last week (here and here) that there is a new player promoting the resettlement of third world refugees from countries where people hate us (from Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Burma and most recently Syria). Having followed this issue for eight years I can … Continue reading Interfaith group working with CAIR to colonize Connecticut with Syrian 'refugees'

Redlands, CA: Citizens tell mayor—no Syrian or African refugees for us!

One of the most difficult hurdles we have to overcome is the sheer ignorance of local elected officials about how the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department operates.  Here we have a mayor of a California city saying he has no say about refugees being “sponsored” by a Catholic parish. Mr. Mayor, they … Continue reading Redlands, CA: Citizens tell mayor—no Syrian or African refugees for us!