With added Syrian numbers, are cities and states prepared to help pay for more refugees?

That is not exactly the title of this excellent article at, of all places, the Huffington Post, but it’s my version of it!  I’m actually blown away that Pew Charitable Trust’s Stateline news service has really dug into how the Refugee Admissions Program works.  It confirms some things we knew, but that I had not … Continue reading With added Syrian numbers, are cities and states prepared to help pay for more refugees?

Letters to the editor on Syrian 'refugees!' An example of what you can do!

We just mentioned a letter to the editor in Syracuse, NY that has stirred debate there about the mayor’s plea for the resettlement of more Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees for that city. Now, here (below) is a Letter to the editor from Montana in response to a cartoon featured at the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on … Continue reading Letters to the editor on Syrian 'refugees!' An example of what you can do!

Connecticut elected officials welcome Syrian (Muslim) refugees

I was on the Lori on Liberty show from Connecticut yesterday, but hadn’t seen the news that Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) is out stumping for more Syrians (mostly Muslims) to be resettled in Connecticut.  Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty, a Democrat from the 5th District, is on board too.  The governor, according to the Washington Times is warming to … Continue reading Connecticut elected officials welcome Syrian (Muslim) refugees

Dayton, OH mayor: Bring us some Syrian (Muslim) refugees! Congressman says NO way!

Dayton, Ohio mayor is one of the 18 we told you about here yesterday who wrote to Obama asking for a supply of Syrians for their cities.  They think more refugees are going to be an economic boon to failing Democrat-run cities.  The only boost in the economy I can see is from the federal … Continue reading Dayton, OH mayor: Bring us some Syrian (Muslim) refugees! Congressman says NO way!