Kerry now says 85,000 total refugees for FY2016; Hillary still wants 65,000 Syrian Muslims

That 85,000 number (from all refugee sending countries) is 15,000 over what the Obama Administration has been asking for (and mostly gotten) in each of his previous years in office. This new number is also higher than the one previously mentioned, so will Kerry now return to the Senate and House Judiciary Committees for further … Continue reading Kerry now says 85,000 total refugees for FY2016; Hillary still wants 65,000 Syrian Muslims

Dems plan to use Pope's visit to guilt-trip America into taking vast numbers of Syrian 'refugees'

If you are a regular reader, you know about this already. The Pope arrives in America on September 22nd and there is already a growing, massive public relations campaign to use his visit to guilt-trip America into taking tens of thousands (100,000!) of Syrian, mostly Muslim, refugees into America for permanent resettlement. This article at … Continue reading Dems plan to use Pope's visit to guilt-trip America into taking vast numbers of Syrian 'refugees'

Archbishop of Canterbury: UK plan to take 20,000 Syrians discriminates against Christian refugees

And, that is because, as we have told readers before, the United Nations refugee camps are housing Muslim Syrians and NOT Christians.  The US and now, according to UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Great Britain, are only taking the UN-chosen refugees from UN camps! Why aren’t the Christians in the camps?  Because the Muslims “attack … Continue reading Archbishop of Canterbury: UK plan to take 20,000 Syrians discriminates against Christian refugees

If you want to save Syrian Christians, do not take refugees from UN camps!

And, of course the majority (95% since January 2012) of Syrians arriving in the US right now are Syrian Muslims, because we take what the UN has chosen for us!     As the debate heats up in Congress about the number of Syrian refugees to be admitted to the US, some elected officials in … Continue reading If you want to save Syrian Christians, do not take refugees from UN camps!

Governor says, no thanks to Syrians, Georgia has enough refugees!

Back in 2013, when I attended an Office of Refugee Resettlement meeting in Lancaster, PA, government officials identified Georgia as having a ‘pocket of resistance’ because the Republican Governor, Nathan Deal, had asked the feds to stop sending so many, that Georgia was overloaded.  So it is no surprise that Gov. Deal is saying the … Continue reading Governor says, no thanks to Syrians, Georgia has enough refugees!