Lutherans call for 200,000 refugees to be admitted to US in 2016 including 100,000 Syrians

A reader has just alerted us to yet another federal refugee contractor, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), one-upping the other two contractors we have reported on, here and here both demanding that Obama admit 65,000 Syrians in FY2016.  We thought those were outrageous demands! But get this….. LIRS wants 100,000 Syrians!  Either they are … Continue reading Lutherans call for 200,000 refugees to be admitted to US in 2016 including 100,000 Syrians

An American born Syrian speaks out: Many Syrians are not refugees but opportunists!

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news this morning…. (First invasion story this morning is here.) Update August 18th: A Syrian refugee in Sweden is trying to tell his fellow Syrians that the streets are not paved in gold, here. Yikes!  Look at this opinion piece posted at a “progressive” website of all places. This worldly Syrian … Continue reading An American born Syrian speaks out: Many Syrians are not refugees but opportunists!

Syrian youths getting in to US as "academic refugees"

They may not have transcripts, but some American colleges are taking Syrian “students” to supposedly educate them to return and re-build Syria (yeh, sure!). From (hat tip: Julia).  The ‘students’ featured here are at Emporia State University in Emporia, KS. I haven’t heard much from Emporia since late 2007 and early 2008 when they … Continue reading Syrian youths getting in to US as "academic refugees"

Alert! Refugee resettlement industry/media pushing Obama to raise the ceiling for this year’s refugees to accommodate Syrians

We have mentioned this previously, but the pieces began to come together over the last few days when first, David Miliband (head honcho of refugee contractor the International Rescue Committee), penned his Washington Post op-ed on the subject, and then I happened to catch Fareed Zakaria’s guilt-tripping report on the Syrian refugees here at ‘Fareed … Continue reading Alert! Refugee resettlement industry/media pushing Obama to raise the ceiling for this year’s refugees to accommodate Syrians