Tent Foundation makes refugee hiring guide available to corporations

In November of last year, information came to us from a confidential source about Chobani Yogurt CEO Hamdi Ulukaya’s personal foundation, The Tent Foundation, contracting with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (one of nine federally funded resettlement agencies) to produce a guide for businesses to help them find refugee labor. Here is just a bit … Continue reading Tent Foundation makes refugee hiring guide available to corporations

Chobani yogurt tycoon, Hamdi Ulukaya, gets Global Citizen award from DC think tank along with Cindy McCain (update)

Editor’s note: As I reported here last week, I received a letter at my home from a Washington, DC lawfirm representing Chobani, LLC and its principal shareholder Hamdi Ulukaya. The letter also references Mr. Ulukaya’s foundation (The Tent Foundation). They claim that several points I made in a post below are false based on information … Continue reading Chobani yogurt tycoon, Hamdi Ulukaya, gets Global Citizen award from DC think tank along with Cindy McCain (update)

Dire warnings at The Atlantic about the imminent collapse of US refugee program

Litany of layoffs! Priscilla Alvarez writing at The Atlantic runs through a partial list of the nine federal refugee contractors and tells us how many staffers have been fired because of that mean old Donald Trump not sending them enough refugee paying clients. There really isn’t much new here (like so many of the fear-mongering … Continue reading Dire warnings at The Atlantic about the imminent collapse of US refugee program

Refugees placed in rough neighborhoods, not so sure it was a good idea to come to America

“I wanted to come here, have a nice house, a car, but they kill your son,” she said. “They broke my heart. They killed me, too.” (Mother questioning why she ever came from the DR Congo to Chicago)   Stories are increasingly showing up in the media about refugees placed by federally funded resettlement agencies … Continue reading Refugees placed in rough neighborhoods, not so sure it was a good idea to come to America