The dark underbelly of refugee resettlement in the US—churches neglecting refugees, working with questionable landlords

When I first began writing this blog in July 2007, one of the issues that attracted my attention was the puzzling decision by the Virginia Council of Churches, working for major resettlement contractor Church World Service, to place refugees in one of the worst buildings in the worst section of Hagerstown, MD. But, here we … Continue reading The dark underbelly of refugee resettlement in the US—churches neglecting refugees, working with questionable landlords

Media "fact checks" Senator who said more than half of Muslims in Australia are not in the labor force

Don’t you just love it when the Left leaning media pounces on a number given by a Senator they obviously despise, does a “fact check,” proclaims him “wrong” in a headline and proceeds then to reveal some facts to show that he was pretty darn close when he said 56% of Australian Muslims are not … Continue reading Media "fact checks" Senator who said more than half of Muslims in Australia are not in the labor force

See what I mean! The wailing for workers is the latest PR push for refugee industry; Virginia this time!

On the heels of my post yesterday, here is the first of what surely will be many stories about how refugee workers are needed for meatpackers and hotel chains—this time in Virginia. I guess they realized the ‘humanitarian’ shtick was no longer effective, they have come right out and admitted what this is all about—workers … Continue reading See what I mean! The wailing for workers is the latest PR push for refugee industry; Virginia this time!

Greensboro, NC fire that killed 5 children exposes more concerns with US refugee program

There is a “breakdown at many levels” said Church World Service employee Adamou Mohamed. Did you hear the news about the five children from the DR Congo who died in an apartment fire in Greensboro, North Carolina just over a week ago? Probably not because stories showing the unhappy side of refugee resettlement are rarely seen … Continue reading Greensboro, NC fire that killed 5 children exposes more concerns with US refugee program

Judge dismisses Tennessee States' Rights case on refugee resettlement

A Tennessee judge this week moved to dismiss a case that would have, we believe, once and for all, settled the issue of whether the federal government can place refugees in a state and expect state taxpayers to pay for many of their needs. But, as you read the story, remember that the Judge was … Continue reading Judge dismisses Tennessee States' Rights case on refugee resettlement