NYT: Germany under strain from influx of Syrian and other Muslim refugees

Not a new story here at RRW as we follow the ‘Invasion of Europe’ on a daily basis.  Yesterday the New York Times did the Germany story.  The headline should really be ‘Merkel calls emergency meeting as citizens riot.’ (I’m looking for the day when the unrest in Europe over Muslim immigration (finally!) shows up … Continue reading NYT: Germany under strain from influx of Syrian and other Muslim refugees

UNHCR is putting the screws to Japan to take refugees, especially Syrian Muslims

They don’t actually say Syrian Muslims, but they never do! This guilt-tripping pressure campaign on Japan has been going on for awhile.  Japan does take a handful of refugees, but you can imagine how it galls those one-worlders at the UN that Japan is holding out introducing the joys of multiculturalism in any big way. … Continue reading UNHCR is putting the screws to Japan to take refugees, especially Syrian Muslims

International Rescue Committee wants Obama ceiling raised on FY15 refugees to accommodate Syrians

Recently we told you that another US refugee resettlement contractor***, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, was petitioning to pressure the Obama Administration to raise this year’s refugee ceiling from 70,000 to 100,000, but now we see that the IRC is pushing for a change as well. Where did we get that information?  From a new … Continue reading International Rescue Committee wants Obama ceiling raised on FY15 refugees to accommodate Syrians

UN reports that 70,000 Syrian Kurdish refugees entered Turkey in 24 hours, running from ISIS

This story is dominating the refugee news from Syria today.  Heck, the whole Middle East could fall under Obama’s watch. From Fox News: KUCUK KENDIRCILER, Turkey –  The number of refugees seeking shelter in Turkey from the Islamic State group’s advance across northeastern Syria has hit 100,000, Turkey said Sunday as clashes broke out on … Continue reading UN reports that 70,000 Syrian Kurdish refugees entered Turkey in 24 hours, running from ISIS

Thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees becoming Christians?

Here is the report I saw first at Catholic Culture: Christian Aid Mission, a Protestant organization based in Virginia, is reporting that thousands of Syrian refugees are converting to Christianity in Turkey, Lebanon, and Iraq. “Literally thousands of Syrians from traditional Muslim backgrounds are turning to Jesus Christ,” the organization stated. “It’s not an inflating … Continue reading Thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees becoming Christians?