Highly anticipated EU "deal" on migration is a nothing-burger!

Because I’ve been telling you in advance about the pow-wow in Brussels yesterday about the migrant invasion of Europe and what the EU will do about it, I’m compelled to give you an update of the disappointing results. They talked and talked, indeed they talked all night, and came up with what the NY Times … Continue reading Highly anticipated EU "deal" on migration is a nothing-burger!

Mama Merkel update: Nothing resolved in special EU meeting yesterday, try again Thursday

Invasion of Europe news….. As we reported last week, a special EU meeting was called for yesterday as the political pressure mounts on German Chancellor Angela Merkel to do something to control the migrant population that continues to grow in Germany.  See Merkel between a rock and a hard place in age of ‘Aquarius.’ I’m … Continue reading Mama Merkel update: Nothing resolved in special EU meeting yesterday, try again Thursday

US war ship picks up 40 migrants off coast of Libya, now what?

Overshadowed by the huge controversy surrounding the rescue boat ‘Aquarius’ this past week, is the news that a US naval vessel has picked up 40 migrants off the coast of Libya, and as of this writing is stuck with them.   Other so-called ‘rescue boats’ won’t take them fearing that they will be blocked from … Continue reading US war ship picks up 40 migrants off coast of Libya, now what?