Trump Administration likely to come in at half the number of refugees they had signaled could be admitted

In September of last year, the Trump Administration set the CEILING for refugee admissions at 45,000 for the fiscal year that began October 1, 2017. As of the last day of August the number actually admitted so far is 19,899.  That would be an average monthly admissions rate of 1,809 for FY18. Assuming that rate … Continue reading Trump Administration likely to come in at half the number of refugees they had signaled could be admitted

13 more of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers are headed to Yourtown, USA

And, many have mental challenges after five years of all-male detention on Manus Island says refugee activist. Oh joy! Of course we are not told where the 13 (probably all Muslims) are going to be placed in America. Just when I had been thinking that maybe the Trump Administration was quietly forgetting about the Obama … Continue reading 13 more of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers are headed to Yourtown, USA

German publication asks: When should the media report on murders committed by refugees?

That is a very interesting question. Short answer: Always! However, apparently the mainstream media in Germany has a really hard time with it! German media isn’t alone! The Left-leaning media here in the US has for the last decade failed to report on some really horrible refugee crime stories I believe out of willful blindness—reports … Continue reading German publication asks: When should the media report on murders committed by refugees?

Refugee processing slowdown blamed on FBI’s new vetting procedures

If you didn’t see my first post this morning go here. Then FBI Director Comey told the Senate last year that 300 refugees (about 200 of them Iraqis) were being investigated for possible connections to terrorists. This is number two in a three part series today on how the Trump Administration has been beefing up … Continue reading Refugee processing slowdown blamed on FBI’s new vetting procedures

More of Australia's rejected migrants headed to your American city

It has been quiet for awhile—months I believe—since we’ve heard of another shipment of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers to America in that dumb deal Obama made and Trump is continuing.     Unlike feckless European leaders, Australia’s government at the time, rightly and successfully, blocked the arrival of migrant boats about five years ago and … Continue reading More of Australia's rejected migrants headed to your American city