UNHCR has 10,000 Syrian refugees in the pipeline for America, but material support of terrorism bar blocking the way

Well, what do you know, some international criticism building because the US has not opened its arms (yet!) to mass numbers of Syrian refugees. But, as I have pointed out on many occasions, Obama’s name is never linked with the criticism as Bush’s was always linked in media blasts every month for probably a year … Continue reading UNHCR has 10,000 Syrian refugees in the pipeline for America, but material support of terrorism bar blocking the way

Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time

As we have been writing ad nauseam lately, the Obama Administration is now out of the shadows with its plan to “seed” towns and cities across America with diversity. ‘Seed’ is their word!  Your community is the soil into which the migrants of all sorts (legal and illegal) are being planted according to Obama’s Task … Continue reading Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time

US Conference of Catholic Bishops wants US to do more for Syrian refugees; mum on how many to resettle

A delegation of Catholic leaders and one of their chief Washington ‘advocates’ (Anastasia Brown) traveled to Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey recently and concluded that we need to send the UN more money for ‘refugees’ in those countries and resettle more here. For new readers, the USCCB is the largest of the nine resettlement contractors*** planting … Continue reading US Conference of Catholic Bishops wants US to do more for Syrian refugees; mum on how many to resettle

Swiss to “welcome” more Syrian refugees; UK Syrian resettlement stalled; critics silent on Obama record

Tiny Switzerland is now working overtime to destroy itself with an overload of migrants, while the UK is hanging tough (so far) and not opening its doors to large numbers of Sunni Muslims from Syria.  Meanwhile the US has admitted (thankfully) only a few hundred impossible-to-screen Syrians, but critics are silent on the Obama record … Continue reading Swiss to “welcome” more Syrian refugees; UK Syrian resettlement stalled; critics silent on Obama record

Mark Levin: A government that can’t run a website is going to keep us safe by vetting Syrian refugees?

Breitbart reports that radio talk show host Mark Levin weighed in on the Syrian refugee resettlement plan on Friday. To better understand how the resettlement is evolving, check our post yesterday about how everyone is now talking about the planned Syrian refugee resettlement (driven by pressure from resettlement contractors and the UN). And, PLEASE go … Continue reading Mark Levin: A government that can’t run a website is going to keep us safe by vetting Syrian refugees?