Two cases of refugees beating family members: no one told me it was against the law in the west

These two cases involving refugees, one in Canada (a Muslim) and one in the US (a ‘Christian’) tell the courts the same thing—no one told them it was against the law to beat your wife (in the first case) or your children (in the second case). They claim they come from cultures where  it is … Continue reading Two cases of refugees beating family members: no one told me it was against the law in the west

Al Gore: Syrian civil war and Arab Spring both resulted from climate change/food riots

Apparently, not a peep from Gore in his recent speech at the Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity about Islamic supremacists like ISIS and Inter-Islam civil wars causing unrest throughout a large portion of the world. I wonder how much he was paid to speak at the posh paradise island resort? From the Korea Herald: … Continue reading Al Gore: Syrian civil war and Arab Spring both resulted from climate change/food riots

Refugee industry wants Trump to admit 75,000 refugees this fiscal year, and another 75,000 in FY18

The President’s budget for next year is out, but I have to be completely honest with you, going through these numbers is not my thing! And, consider that it is Congress that will in reality set the agenda and budget for refugee admissions by how much money they are sending to the program and ultimately … Continue reading Refugee industry wants Trump to admit 75,000 refugees this fiscal year, and another 75,000 in FY18

Repost: Comey tells Senate that FBI looking at 2,000 cases of US links to foreign terrorists, 300 are REFUGEES

Washington is all a tither this morning about how now former FBI Director James Comey might make a reappearance on The Hill next week. So, lest you forget, the man of the hour, the day, the week, hell, the century! James Comey said this on his last visit to the Senate.   Any chance that Senators … Continue reading Repost: Comey tells Senate that FBI looking at 2,000 cases of US links to foreign terrorists, 300 are REFUGEES

Eritreans top list of Muslim 'refugees' entering the US this past week

But, are they really persecuted refugees or are they economic migrants from yet another African country whose government is a mess? And thus the fundamental question for us, as always, is: So why are they our problem? I did my usual end-of-the-week look at Wrapsnet just now. If you are following my updates in the … Continue reading Eritreans top list of Muslim 'refugees' entering the US this past week