12,000 Haitians apply for Temporary Protected Status, so far

That is what the Washington Post is reporting today.  We told you about Temporary Protected Status here. WASHINGTON — More than 12,000 Haitians have applied for the chance to stay and work legally in the U.S. while their country struggles to recover from last month’s earthquake. The applications have rolled in, even though the July … Continue reading 12,000 Haitians apply for Temporary Protected Status, so far

It is definite! Haitians have been granted Temporary Protected Status

As you can see from my post earlier this a.m., I’ve been confused!  However, The Wall Street Journal has now reported that thousands of Haitians in the US illegally can stay for another 18 months —to work here and send money back to Haiti! In making the announcement yesterday, Janet Napolitano warned that this only … Continue reading It is definite! Haitians have been granted Temporary Protected Status

South Korea: No refugee status, but Yemenis can stay for awhile

Oh boy, big mistake!  If they have been denied asylum they need to go. I’m guessing that South Korea hasn’t been paying attention to the Australian mess or even our mess in the US with Temporary Protected Status. See my post from this summer on South Korea’s Muslim migrants.     From Reuters (headline is … Continue reading South Korea: No refugee status, but Yemenis can stay for awhile

'Temporary' status to be continued for Syrians says Homeland Security chief

As regular readers know, there has been nothing temporary about this LEGAL immigration program called Temporary Protected Status (until now!). In a long overdue process, President Trump’s Homeland Security Department has been ending TPS for nationals of many countries who have been here for over a decade in some cases. However, TPS for Syrians will … Continue reading 'Temporary' status to be continued for Syrians says Homeland Security chief