The Asylumist blog takes a whack at Wyomingites opposed to refugee program; perpetuates the big lie

I wonder what blogger and immigration lawyer Jason Dzubow thinks of the Somali scheme (surely encouraged by Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains who resettled thousands of Somalis to CO to work in meatpacking) for “refugees” to high-tail-it to Wyoming to pick up subsidized housing vouchers to take back to Colorado (our top post for two … Continue reading The Asylumist blog takes a whack at Wyomingites opposed to refugee program; perpetuates the big lie

Human rights activists complain about stricter asylum rules…

….but don’t get too excited about the possibility that the Obama Administration is seeing the light because as we learned last week, thousands of illegals who entered the country this past summer aren’t even showing up for court! Thousands have just disappeared into the woodwork of America presumably planning to wait it out until Obama … Continue reading Human rights activists complain about stricter asylum rules…

The plot thickens in the Philadelphia immigration fraud arrest of Hayatullah Dawari

We told you about Dawari, an Afghan “convenience store clerk” who is also supposed to be a doctor, arrested on immigration fraud charges here a couple of days ago.  Now we learn that Dawari may have been passing coded messages glued in religious books from a terrorist group which he allegedly then sent on to … Continue reading The plot thickens in the Philadelphia immigration fraud arrest of Hayatullah Dawari

Another US media propaganda campaign: no more detention for asylum seekers

While Australia and New Zealand increase the number of detainees—migrants who have arrived illegally on their shores and asked for asylum, in the US the Open Borders lobbyists, including federal refugee contractors at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, if it were up to them, want no one … Continue reading Another US media propaganda campaign: no more detention for asylum seekers

Maine: The go-to state for immigrant marriage fraud, etc. etc. etc.

What happened to Maine?  First we learned it is attracting hordes of Somali welfare moochers, then phony asylum-seeker schemers and now marriage fraudsters. The word must be all over Africa—get to Maine! Busted!  The Bangor Daily News reports that it is (was) one of the most sophisticated marriage fraud rings in the country.  And, on … Continue reading Maine: The go-to state for immigrant marriage fraud, etc. etc. etc.