Dallas is ground zero for largest Medicare/Medicaid fraud ring yet uncovered—Nigerians this time

Last week we had the largest Medicaid fraud bust in DC history and as it turns out earlier in February we were given more details on the massive 2012 Texas bust as that case heads to trial.  In the DC case, the ringleader was a woman from Cameroon, and in Texas, 1/3 of the cases … Continue reading Dallas is ground zero for largest Medicare/Medicaid fraud ring yet uncovered—Nigerians this time

Maine brain drain! Reverse it with asylum seekers says developer turned spiritualist

He says the City of Portland “gets it,” but the rest of Maine needs to “wake up!” We’ve learned recently that as many as 70% of asylum claims are fraudulent, then there is the big NYT story about the Chinese frauds, and just this morning we learned of a large asylum fraud bust in Maryland, … Continue reading Maine brain drain! Reverse it with asylum seekers says developer turned spiritualist

Syrians, helped by Mexico, coming across the US border, seek asylum

Asylum fraud is becoming the immigration crisis of the day and I believe historians will look back at this period as the tipping point—-America governed by soft leaders who allowed our great nation to be dragged into the third world through a complete breakdown of our borders.  Don’t let it happen.  Please speak up and … Continue reading Syrians, helped by Mexico, coming across the US border, seek asylum

Maine: Asylum seekers being lured to Lewiston, Mayor says STOP!

More problems for Lewiston, Maine which became the Somali capital of New England more than ten years ago now (see Somali Migration to Maine: It’s the welfare magnet!) Now we see that the asylum racket has Maine by the short hairs as one of the few states that gives welfare benefits to “asylum seekers.”   Most … Continue reading Maine: Asylum seekers being lured to Lewiston, Mayor says STOP!