Virginia: Government case collapses, Somali “pirate” seeks asylum in US

Update February 19th:  Writers at NRO blast Holder for botching this case, here. The case against a middle-aged English-speaking “pirate” ended and now the question becomes, can Ali Mohamed Ali get asylum in the US thus setting up the problematic scenario that the Guantanamo Bay prisoners have also posed for out legal system.  Try them … Continue reading Virginia: Government case collapses, Somali “pirate” seeks asylum in US

House of Representatives holds hearing on flood in asylum claims at US border

Brenda Walker at Limits to Growth alerted us to a hearing yesterday in the House Judiciary Committee about the latest scammers at the border saying they have a “credible fear of persecution” in Mexico and want to make an asylum claim.  I couldn’t listen in, but Walker did. Here is Walker: On Thursday morning, the … Continue reading House of Representatives holds hearing on flood in asylum claims at US border

Utah Congressman wants information from Homeland Security on bogus asylum claims

This is basically an update of the story we posted here earlier this month about the new waves of illegal aliens coming across our border who have their asylum jargon down pat thanks to some good coaching. Rep. Jason Chaffetz asked soon-to-be gone Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano for further documentation on this latest … Continue reading Utah Congressman wants information from Homeland Security on bogus asylum claims

“Fake” gays and lesbians getting asylum status in Europe

Less than two weeks ago, here, we predicted that the latest cool excuse for asking for asylum/refugee status is to claim discrimination due to one’s sexual orientation.  I wondered then how authorities would know if someone was lying or truly a homosexual (and truly persecuted).  Looks like the fraudsters are already hard at it in … Continue reading “Fake” gays and lesbians getting asylum status in Europe

Jamaica: Something fishy about Syrian couple’s story as they ask for asylum

Stories similar to this one come and go across my desk from time to time and most I have no time to mention.  This one caught my eye for a couple of reasons.  First, the Jamaica news account lists the countries the pair traveled through before reaching Jamaica.  International refugee law requires that legitimate “asylum … Continue reading Jamaica: Something fishy about Syrian couple’s story as they ask for asylum