Refugee lobbyists plan to bombard Congress during Refugee Advocacy Week; want more refugees and more money

The Refugee Council USA is the lobbying arm for the refugee contractors who might have to protect their non-profit status and their lucrative contracts from charges that they are lobbying Congress for themselves.   News hat tip: Joanne. If you were thinking ‘why bother’ sending comments to the US State Department and to your US Senators … Continue reading Refugee lobbyists plan to bombard Congress during Refugee Advocacy Week; want more refugees and more money

Who’s new seven months into fiscal year 2014; Iraqis lead the pack

Every month the Refugee Processing Center reports on the number of refugees admitted to the US in the previous months of a given fiscal year.  Go here for the stats as of April 30th, 2014 (the fiscal year 2014 began October 1, 2013). That testimony you are preparing for fiscal year 2015 is for refugees … Continue reading Who’s new seven months into fiscal year 2014; Iraqis lead the pack

Buffalo: In mecca of diversity, Puerto Rican kid kills Iraqi kid

Buffalo, NY has become a grand experiment in multiculturalism as resettlement agencies pour refugees into the area and other NGOs make the area a magnet for illegal aliens and phoney asylum seekers.  See this 2012 post about the changing demographics of Buffalo—-Christians and Jews moving out, Muslims moving in. For more on Buffalo immigrant crimes … Continue reading Buffalo: In mecca of diversity, Puerto Rican kid kills Iraqi kid

El Cajon: Iraqi “hate crime” hoaxer is guilty in murder of wife

The courtroom erupted in chaos when the guilty verdict was read in a San Diego courtroom yesterday. Kassim Al-Himidi was found guilty in the bludgeoning death of his wife who had asked for a divorce (she didn’t die right away, but lingered for three days). Besides shouting that he was innocent, Al-Himidi demanded that someone … Continue reading El Cajon: Iraqi “hate crime” hoaxer is guilty in murder of wife