Buffalo: In mecca of diversity, Puerto Rican kid kills Iraqi kid

Buffalo, NY has become a grand experiment in multiculturalism as resettlement agencies pour refugees into the area and other NGOs make the area a magnet for illegal aliens and phoney asylum seekers.  See this 2012 post about the changing demographics of Buffalo—-Christians and Jews moving out, Muslims moving in.

For more on Buffalo immigrant crimes see our entire Buffalo archive here.  When immigrants supposedly rebuild decaying cities, crime abounds.

Don’t miss this 2013 post about the US State Department sending an official delegation to Buffalo late last year — problems developing?  Gee, I wonder if the State Department will help foot the bill for court expenses that the local welcoming Erie County taxpayers will have with this trial.  Heck, they will need a Spanish interpreter and an Iraqi court interpreter!

Thanks to several readers for sending links on the latest murder case involving a refugee, this time as the victim—‘pungentpeppers’ and Creeping Sharia especially.


Mourners leave the Masjid Al-Eman Mosque on Connecticut Street after the funeral of 13-year-old Ameer Al Shammari, Tuesday, May 6, 2014. (Derek Gee/Buffalo News)


From Buffalo News (emphasis mine):

A 13-year-old Black Rock boy has confessed to killing Ameer Al Shammari, also 13, law enforcement officials say.

The boy, identified by authorities as Jean Sanchez, was arrested at about 3:30 a.m. today after homicide investigators developed leads that helped them to identify the suspect.

Sanchez has been charged as an adult with second-degree murder, an official told The Buffalo News.


Neighbors and family friends believe the killing was tied to Ameer’s attempt to retrieve an iPhone that was stolen from him Friday. Police Commissioner Daniel Derenda said today during a news conference that the stolen phone may figure into the killing.


Ameer’s funeral was held this morning in the Masjid al-Eiman & Islamic Center at 444 Connecticut St. The casket was brought into the mosque at about 9:45 a.m.


After the funeral, Ali Kadhum, executive director of the newly formed Iraqi American Society, described the family as shattered by their son’s death.

“The father told me he is not able to carry this sadness,” said Kadhum, who also serves as president of the Buffalo Immigrant Refugee Empowerment Coalition.

For more details on Sanchez  and how the police think the murder happened go here, also at Buffalo News.

The murdered boy had been in the US for 18 months.  There are questions about whether a gang might have been involved in his beating death.

By the way, Iraqis represent the largest ethnic refugee group we admitted to the US in fiscal year 2013—just short of 20,000 (click here).   I’m pretty sure we are approaching the 100,000 number for Iraqis invited to America (no time to dig out the numbers this morning).

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