Lost in security concerns are the economic costs to taxpayers of refugee resettlement

I told you recently that the Office of Refugee Resettlement had published its 2015 Annual Report to Congress (a year late, but much better than when it was three years late earlier in RRW’s history). If any of you citizen investigators want a winter research project, study the whole document and see what other information … Continue reading Lost in security concerns are the economic costs to taxpayers of refugee resettlement

More on the "dumb" Australia deal: Which American towns will volunteer to take them?

It is one thing for everyone to debate whether Australia’s rejected asylum seekers (supposedly as many as 1,250) will come to America, but where in America?  (See yesterday’s post) Shouldn’t your town have a say about whether you want any of them or not?     House and Senate Judiciary Chairmen identified those rejected by … Continue reading More on the "dumb" Australia deal: Which American towns will volunteer to take them?

Trump Watch! Did Trump cave and agree to take Australia's rejected asylum seekers?

I sure hope Reuters has this wrong! If it is true it is truly insane! For new readers, in the waning months of the Obama Administration, Obama made a deal with Australian Prime Minister Turnbull to take off their hands somewhere between 1000-2000 migrants being held in detention on offshore islands. Australia does not want … Continue reading Trump Watch! Did Trump cave and agree to take Australia's rejected asylum seekers?