23 years after Black Hawk Down we admit Somali 'refugees' to US at highest rates ever

“Somali refugees are probably an even bigger risk than Syrians, as Somalis have committed several terrorist attacks on U.S. soil recently.”  (Leo Hohmann) We gave you some numbers yesterday for Somali resettlement in the waning weeks of the Obama Administration and the numbers are astronomical. Why is Somalia our problem more than 25 years since … Continue reading 23 years after Black Hawk Down we admit Somali 'refugees' to US at highest rates ever

At present rate, almost 14,000 Syrians would enter US this fiscal year, 98% Muslim

Two days ago, I reported on the total number of refugees being rushed in to the US right now presumably to beat an expected cut-off of resettlement from at least some countries (terror-producing) of the world after Donald Trump becomes President on January 20th. And, although we reported new proposed sites have been placed on … Continue reading At present rate, almost 14,000 Syrians would enter US this fiscal year, 98% Muslim

Mississippi Governor: Don't send us any Syrians until Washington DC 'welcomes' them

This is from Infowars (hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum).  It is a good thing for the governor that the Obama Administration is headed out the door, or they might just flex their federal muscles and send Mississippi Syrians just for spite. Here is what Infowars says about what the Governor said on a … Continue reading Mississippi Governor: Don't send us any Syrians until Washington DC 'welcomes' them

Turkey threatens to unleash millions of Syrian Muslims on Europe (again)

Invasion of Europe news…. The EU is between a rock and a hard place! Remember Turkey is not our friend (Obama’s, but not ours)!     From the Irish Times: Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned the European Union that his country may wave through up to three million migrants to Europe as Ankara … Continue reading Turkey threatens to unleash millions of Syrian Muslims on Europe (again)