Surprise! Missoula, Montana expected to get mostly Muslim refugees after all

Update April 28th:  A little inside baseball about how Missoula got so lucky to get a refugee office, click here. Have you been following our posts on the plan to open Montana to refugee resettlement?  If not, click here for background (no time for rehashing!) In this news story from the Missoula Independent about a phony letter … Continue reading Surprise! Missoula, Montana expected to get mostly Muslim refugees after all

State Department announces comment period for FY2017 Refugee admissions

This is the official launch of the preparations underway for the Obama Administration’s last Refugee Admissions plan to be sent to Congress in September of this year.  Obama has already signaled that he wants 100,000 refugees seeded into your towns in FY2017. Each year at this time, the US State Department takes testimony from the … Continue reading State Department announces comment period for FY2017 Refugee admissions

Wall Street Journal's immigration writer ticks me off with fluff on "welcoming" Utah

I’ve got other things I’m working on this morning, but have put them on hold so I can blow off steam!  A reader just sent me this story….grrrrr! Wall Street Journal reporter Miriam Jordan writes ‘authoritatively’ on Muslim refugees going to”welcoming” Utah and fails to mention the horrific murder case that dragged on for years … Continue reading Wall Street Journal's immigration writer ticks me off with fluff on "welcoming" Utah

Homeland Security chief reiterates: Syrian and Iraqi refugees pose security threat

They must really be seeing something they aren’t telling us about for Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson to be so forthcoming at a Congressional hearing yesterday. And, it isn’t just the Syrians and Iraqis we should worry about! From The Hill: The head of the Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday said that the United … Continue reading Homeland Security chief reiterates: Syrian and Iraqi refugees pose security threat

More on Missoula County's naive invitation to the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program

We told you about Missoula County Commissioners’ invitation to the federal government and its contractor, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) here just the week before last. My suggestion for citizens of Montana, who have concerns about the United Nations picking refugees to be seeded in the state, is to call for a public hearing on … Continue reading More on Missoula County's naive invitation to the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program