Obama praises Merkel on Germany's 'welcome' to Syrians….

…..and in so doing casts the US (not Obama, but the Republicans!) as mean-spirited, unwelcoming obstructionists. It is fascinating to me that once again Obama is not the target of the criticism.  When the George W. Bush Administration was wisely not moving quickly enough (security concerns!) for the humanitarian industrial complex agitators pushing to resettle Iraqi … Continue reading Obama praises Merkel on Germany's 'welcome' to Syrians….

Merkel blasts anti-immigrant rioters, Hollande wrings his hands

Invasion of Europe news….. Update:  Merkel suspends EU rules so that more Syrians can STAY! Have a look at the latest from Europe.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel harangues German citizens concerned about the future of their culture and country and socialist French President Francois Hollande says ‘golly gee, guess we better do something.’  What the … Continue reading Merkel blasts anti-immigrant rioters, Hollande wrings his hands

Ignoring Merkel (again) Dresden “Trauermarsch” goes on, draws record numbers opposed to the Islamification of Germany

  They marched again in Dresden yesterday and exceeded last week’s anti-Islam numbers by about 7,000 according to the BBC: A record 25,000 people have joined an anti-Islamisation rally in Dresden, Germany, called in the wake of the Paris terror attacks. The protesters defied calls from German politicians to stay away from the Pegida organisation’s … Continue reading Ignoring Merkel (again) Dresden “Trauermarsch” goes on, draws record numbers opposed to the Islamification of Germany

Merkel: Multiculturalism has failed in Germany

Thanks to three readers for forwarding me this piece from the BBC yesterday in which Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, says that lack of assimilation by mostly Turkish and Arab immigrants is the cause of growing social unease in Germany. Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have “utterly failed”, Chancellor Angela Merkel says. She said … Continue reading Merkel: Multiculturalism has failed in Germany

Austria’s Afghan Refugee Problem: Will it be Our Problem Soon?

Yes! This Invasion of Europe story should be a wake-up call to Americans as the Biden administration gets ready to begin airlifting Afghan ‘refugees’ to the United States. And, I suspect the administration is counting on you being so distracted by the southern border invasion you won’t notice those being flown in on the taxpayer’s … Continue reading Austria’s Afghan Refugee Problem: Will it be Our Problem Soon?