"Mama" Merkel in the news trying to extricate Germany from the "chaos" she created!

Invasion of Europe news…. Merkel is calling on Russia and the United States to do something! German Chancellor Angela Merkel is busy these days casting about to save herself (and keep the EU from imploding!) in the wake of criticism that she and Germany began the stampede of migrants from, not just Syria, but from … Continue reading "Mama" Merkel in the news trying to extricate Germany from the "chaos" she created!

German political party: Merkel has made “an unparalleled historical mistake”

Invasion of Europe news….. That phrase I believe is being echoed around the world and most assuredly in the countries of Eastern Europe that are having to cope with German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s insane decision to allow unregistered refugees to flow in to Germany by the tens of thousands and who must naturally cross other … Continue reading German political party: Merkel has made “an unparalleled historical mistake”

Trying to reach the welcoming arms of "Mama Merkel," migrants are buying fake Syrian passports

There is so much ‘Invasion of Europe’ news now that I’ll post just those stories that strike my fancy. First, I would be remiss in not telling you that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is being called “Mama Merkel” by migrants anxious to get to the good life in Germany, see here.  (Psst! Don’t tell Obama, he … Continue reading Trying to reach the welcoming arms of "Mama Merkel," migrants are buying fake Syrian passports