Wilders protesters: “Islam will dominate the world”

Readers should go to Atlas Shrugs and see the photos Pamela Geller posted yesterday from Muslim protests against Geert Wilders.  For background, see Judy’s post from earlier this week, here. Besides “Islam will dominate the world. Freedom can go to hell,” see “Shariah for the Netherlands.  Islam will be superior,” and “Shariah the true solution.”   … Continue reading Wilders protesters: “Islam will dominate the world”

Daniel Pipes lists European leaders who could save Western civilization

He doesn’t exactly put it that way. The title of his piece yesterday is simply: Who Are Europe’s Most Important Politicians? President of the Middle East Forum, Daniel Pipes is a historian/author with a primary focus on Islam and migration. Invasion of Europe news…. First Pipes tells us that he had put his faith in … Continue reading Daniel Pipes lists European leaders who could save Western civilization

CNN ballistic over Rep. Steve King's tweet about demography being destiny

I’ve mentioned before that I watch CNN every morning while my coffee is perking. I recommend it to all of you because one is instantly oriented to what the political Left is going to harp on for the day. This morning they were aghast at the remark Rep. Steve King tweeted in relationship to tomorrow’s … Continue reading CNN ballistic over Rep. Steve King's tweet about demography being destiny

"Battle of Rotterdam" on eve of historic election in the Netherlands

Invasion of Europe news…. Western Civilization is under assault: “If this continues, our culture will cease to exist.” (A Dutch citizen of Amsterdam told The Washington Post this week)   All eyes will be on the Dutch election scheduled for this Wednesday! And, if things couldn’t be more tense in the lead-up to election day, … Continue reading "Battle of Rotterdam" on eve of historic election in the Netherlands