European nationalists meet: European migration policy a daily disaster

Invasion of Europe news….. Obviously timed to follow the Inauguration of Donald Trump, nationalist leaders from five European countries met in Koblenz, Germany today to declare a new day for Europe.   Representatives from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Austria declared that a “patriotic spring” was on the horizon for 2017. From AP (emphasis … Continue reading European nationalists meet: European migration policy a daily disaster

European Nationalist parties convene in Milan: mass migration greatest threat to Europe

More Invasion of Europe news…. The Associated Press reported yesterday on a meeting in Italy of Europe’s so-called “Far Right” parties. Here is what AP reports (emphasis is mine): MILAN (AP) — Sharing the stage with leaders of other European populist parties, French far-right leader Marine Le Pen said Friday that Europe’s nationalist parties are … Continue reading European Nationalist parties convene in Milan: mass migration greatest threat to Europe

Dutch citizens riot! Won't stand by and watch cultural suicide!

Invasion of Europe news….. Geert Wilders is right, Europe is being invaded and it looks like the average Dutchman is going to stand and fight.  The latest riot is over the Dutch government’s decision to give housing to refugees before Dutch citizens.  Here Wilders warns the Dutch Parliament about the Hijra—the Islamic migration to Europe. … Continue reading Dutch citizens riot! Won't stand by and watch cultural suicide!