Invasion of Europe: In Germany they are all claiming to be Syrians!

Invasion of Europe news….. Look at this photograph!  Can you imagine how Americans would go mad if this was coming down their streets!   No surprise that German authorities are being snookered as the world’s economic migrants have magically transformed themselves into Syrian refugees—the most desirable category of migrant you could possibly be these days—as … Continue reading Invasion of Europe: In Germany they are all claiming to be Syrians!

Eastern European leaders say "NO" to Muslim mass migration/colonization

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news…. Merkel might be going mad, but European leaders in Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic see clearly that Europe is now, right now!, on the edge of being colonized and turned forever into a Muslim-dominated continent. From the Inquisitor (bracing for the Islamic tide): In rejecting the E.U. … Continue reading Eastern European leaders say "NO" to Muslim mass migration/colonization

Muslim immigration to America must be 2016 Presidential campaign issue!

Update: FBI: Thousands of ISIS followers in US, here.  Hat tip: Diane Breitbart News, which has been doing a lot of good work on the issue of immigration generally, has posted a review of how much Muslim LEGAL immigration of one sort or another is occurring in the US.  The news hook is that Dutch … Continue reading Muslim immigration to America must be 2016 Presidential campaign issue!

Obama’s ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ summit opened yesterday and is on-going today

It was at the opening yesterday that VP Joe Biden told about his Somali pals driving cabs in his hometown.   Here is what the Voice of America reported yesterday. If you are on twitter, go to #CVESummit today to follow the latest news. Last week the Center for Security Policy held its own summit (Defeat … Continue reading Obama’s ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ summit opened yesterday and is on-going today

Member of the Dutch Parliament calls for mosques to be banished from the Netherlands

  …..and it wasn’t Geert Wilders saying it this time. From Breitbart which has been doing a good job of reporting on the invasion and Islamification of Europe: A Dutch right-wing member of parliament called for a purge of mosques in the Netherlands during a debate on the integration of Muslim and Turkish minorities. “Dutch … Continue reading Member of the Dutch Parliament calls for mosques to be banished from the Netherlands