Germany has 450,000 failed asylum seekers they plan to deport!

Invasion of Europe news…. You might want to read my post on asylum here last week.  Asylum seekers differ from the refugees we normally talk about because they get to a country like Germany (or the US, or Canada) and ask for asylum claiming they will be persecuted if returned home.  The refugees we write … Continue reading Germany has 450,000 failed asylum seekers they plan to deport!

Germany: Another Syrian refugee arrested for planning terror attack

Invasion of Europe news…. German police arrested a Syrian refugee who had been granted asylum (that means they had screened him and approved him) after a two day manhunt late yesterday. So much for vetting Syrians! We do not want to be Europe! In last night’s debate, it is too bad ‘The Donald’ didn’t mention … Continue reading Germany: Another Syrian refugee arrested for planning terror attack

Re-Migration! Phony refugees leaving Germany and going home!

Invasion of Europe news…. Frustrated with the bureaucracy and homesick for their own homes and the culture from which they came are two reasons given for scores of supposedly persecuted people heading back to the Middle East. And, this story reminds me, and makes me wonder how many refugees being foisted on American towns at … Continue reading Re-Migration! Phony refugees leaving Germany and going home!