Large numbers of child brides living with older migrant men in Germany, elsewhere

So are they going to give up this aspect of their ‘culture’ when they assimilate to life in the West?  I doubt it. And, it just occurred to me, is the US admitting Muslim refugees with young girls as wives?  Is anyone reporting that information? And, are they even legally married? Invasion of Europe news…. … Continue reading Large numbers of child brides living with older migrant men in Germany, elsewhere

Calls for Angela Merkel to step down at huge demonstrations across Germany yesterday

Invasion of Europe news…. Thousands took to the streets yesterday, not just in Berlin, but across the country in furious demonstrations against the policies of German Chancellor Angela Merkel that have opened the gates of Europe’s most prosperous country to literally an invasion by the third world.   See the news here at the UK … Continue reading Calls for Angela Merkel to step down at huge demonstrations across Germany yesterday

Germany: Afghan 'unaccompanied minor' attacks travelers with axe

Invasion of Europe news…. One of the tens of thousands of Muslim migrants Germany ‘welcomed’ in recent months and years went on a hacking and slashing attack on a German train injuring many yesterday.  Fortunately no one was killed but three are in serious condition the UK Telegraph reports.   The Telegraph also reports that … Continue reading Germany: Afghan 'unaccompanied minor' attacks travelers with axe

Last week's Islamic terror bust in Germany did involve refugees

How many times in recent months have you heard defenders of the refugee migration to Europe say that surely ISIS militants wouldn’t bother with the arduous trek from Syria through Turkey, then to Greece and northward to Germany to get its men into position for an Islamic terror attack?  Well, that is exactly what the Düsseldorf plotters … Continue reading Last week's Islamic terror bust in Germany did involve refugees