Syrians in Germany want to go home, but having difficulties getting out!

Invasion of Europe news….. The article in Stars and Stripes ends with a comment from one of the so-called ‘refugees’ who did succeed in getting home to Syria.  He said (speaking about living in Germany): “Most people prefer to return because they can’t stand it.” And, because they aren’t “getting respect!” Here are some snips … Continue reading Syrians in Germany want to go home, but having difficulties getting out!

Some in Germany worried about large number of conversions from Islam to Christianity

Most worried are the Muslim political activists! Invasion of Europe news…. As Europe and particularly Germany continues to take in tens of thousands of migrants from the Middle East and Africa an interesting phenomenon has been reported recently. [By the way, US resettlement contractors like Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and so forth are strictly … Continue reading Some in Germany worried about large number of conversions from Islam to Christianity

On the day of the Brussel's carnage, a man writing from Germany reports on the annihilation of Western civilization

Invasion of Europe news…. Early yesterday morning, while I was writing on the slaughter in Brussels (a post which went viral thanks to the Drudge Report and Breitbart), a man named Alex sent me the second post on his new blog from Germany—Real Facts Media.  The timing was stunning to say the least.  He told … Continue reading On the day of the Brussel's carnage, a man writing from Germany reports on the annihilation of Western civilization