Did George Bush consider taking 100,000 Palestinians?

I don’t doubt for a minute that this wasn’t discussed in the Bush White House, heck they were taking other large groups of refugees without Congressional approval. Olmert says details and numbers were discussed.  Hadley says they didn’t get specific.  Abrams says it never happened.  From the Jerusalem Post: The idea of the US accepting … Continue reading Did George Bush consider taking 100,000 Palestinians?

A solution to the Palestinian “refugee” problem — pay them?

I don’t have time to comment on this, but I want to bring to your attention a piece on FrontPage Magazine by Dr. Martin Sherman, The Palestinian Problem: A Real Solution. So I’ll excerpt generously. The problem: Any dispassionate evaluation of the events of the past two decades invariably leads one to accept the following … Continue reading A solution to the Palestinian “refugee” problem — pay them?

Old documents discovered: Palestinian “refugees” say they were not driven out of Israel

I want to bring to your attention this item by Ruth King at her blog. It’s about interviews conducted by John Roy Carlson, the pen name of an Armenian-American investigative reporter who went undercover among Nazi groups in America in the 1930s. Then, in 1948, presenting himself as an Armenian American, he traveled to the … Continue reading Old documents discovered: Palestinian “refugees” say they were not driven out of Israel

Solution to the Palestinian “refugees” problem: show they are not refugees

Nitzia Nachmias, a senior researcher at the Jewish-Arab Center who also teaches in Asheklon College and the University of Maryland, has a new approach to the Palestinian “refugee” problem that is probably the correct one.  In a recent interview she  explained to Arutz Sheva: “there’s no such thing as Palestinian refugees. If people would stop calling the … Continue reading Solution to the Palestinian “refugees” problem: show they are not refugees

U.S. contributes $40 million for Palestinian refugees (and Hamas)

The State Department issued a press release on February 4: The United States announced today that it is making an initial contribution of $40 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to support UNRWA’s regular budget and emergency programs in the West Bank and Gaza.  … Continue reading U.S. contributes $40 million for Palestinian refugees (and Hamas)