Palestinian “refugees” can’t settle in Lebanon — one more example of Arab irresponsibility and bigotry

A blog called Elder of Ziyon reports: The US envoy to the Middle East just doomed any remote chance there might have ever been for a peaceful two-state solution. Palestine Press Agency quotes Mitchell as having told his Lebanese hosts that the US “does not support the resettlement of the Palestinians” in Lebanon. The US … Continue reading Palestinian “refugees” can’t settle in Lebanon — one more example of Arab irresponsibility and bigotry

Al Qaeda is recruiting in Palestinian refugee camps

David Bedein reports in the Philadelphia Bulletin:  In a development that could cause concern for the United States, al-Qaida appears to be targeting Palestinian refugee camps for recruitment, according to a report by the Washington-based Jamestown foundation. The report documents how the al-Qaida-aligned Fatah Al Islam was recruiting cells in such United Nations Relief and … Continue reading Al Qaeda is recruiting in Palestinian refugee camps

Palestinian “refugees” are getting restless, and so is their staff

ISRIA, a Paris-based consulting and information publishing service, reports:  The United Nations agency tasked with assisting millions of Palestinian refugees may not be able to pay the salaries of its 29,000 staff through the end of this year because of a funding crisis, its top official said today as she urged Member States to donate more … Continue reading Palestinian “refugees” are getting restless, and so is their staff

UN releases budget: plenty for all, especially Palestinian “refugees”

A column by George Russell, executive editor of Fox News, gives a detailed account of the UN budget and explains all the accounting tricks that make it so difficult to know what the UN actually spends. The headline says the budget is $13.9 billion, but the first paragraph says it is $4.9 billion. It takes most … Continue reading UN releases budget: plenty for all, especially Palestinian “refugees”