Washington Post whines about Trump power on refugees if elected president

That is not a surprise, but what was a surprise is that the vast majority of the commenters at the Washington Post editorial on Sunday were cheering Trump on!  Readers of the Washington Post! Mike Pence as governor of Indiana may not have the power to block certain refugees from his state, but the WaPo … Continue reading Washington Post whines about Trump power on refugees if elected president

They are pushing back hard in Fargo, ND; commissioners want feds to pay-up for cost of refugees

New ‘welcoming’ towns pay attention! This article (below) at World Net Daily is a must read for all citizens in the new ‘welcoming’ resettlement sites the federal government is identifying around the United States. We learned recently that there are 47 of them, but the US State Department is so secretive about where it’s sending … Continue reading They are pushing back hard in Fargo, ND; commissioners want feds to pay-up for cost of refugees

US State Department shoving refugees down their throats in Rutland, VT

After months and months of meetings and angry protests, the US State Department has decided to ignore the controversy and begin sending refugees to Rutland before the end of the year. Just a reminder that the DOS told Senator Sessions subcommittee yesterday that they haven’t decided how many of the 110,000 refugees Obama wants admitted … Continue reading US State Department shoving refugees down their throats in Rutland, VT

At Senate hearing, US State Department refuses to say how many Syrians in next year's flow

I’m writing and listening to the hearing in the US Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.  Eventually, when the video is available, you should all take a couple of hours and watch this.  Right now Senator Al Franken is talking and doing the ‘my grandfather came from Russia and read the poem … Continue reading At Senate hearing, US State Department refuses to say how many Syrians in next year's flow

Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont wants more money for refugees

That is nothing new.  Leahy has been a longtime advocate of the US Refugee Admissions Program, but what interested me was  his remark that local communities needed more money to support refugees, and references Rutland. But, wait, Rutland mayor Christopher Louras was just in upstate New York telling those citizens that refugees revitalize and bring … Continue reading Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont wants more money for refugees