350 refugees a day entering US (less than three weeks in to the fiscal year); Texas is numero uno!

And at that rate we will have admitted 32,900 by Inauguration Day in January.  In that 350 a day stream are 47 Syrians (for a total of 852 so far). Of the total (6,328) admitted in the last 18 days, 2,874 (45%) are some form of Muslim. Of the 852 Syrians admitted, 837 (98%) are … Continue reading 350 refugees a day entering US (less than three weeks in to the fiscal year); Texas is numero uno!

DOS Syrian resettlement pace would bring total in 2017 to over 20,000

When the Obama Department of State (DOS) ‘consulted’ with the US Senate on the number of refugees to be admitted in fiscal year 2017 (which began 2 weeks ago on October 1) they were very cagey about how many Syrians would be in the flow. However, a refugee contractor in California let the cat out … Continue reading DOS Syrian resettlement pace would bring total in 2017 to over 20,000

Obama State Department bringing refugees in at the astronomical rate of over 400 a day!

Update October 8th: Up to 900 a day by later in week, see here at Breitbart. It wasn’t hard to guess that as he leaves office (and fears build of a Trump presidency), Obama will make an outrageous last ditch effort to open the flood gates to refugees from across the globe and most especially … Continue reading Obama State Department bringing refugees in at the astronomical rate of over 400 a day!

State Department and refugee lobby group work on private sponsorship scheme to get more refugees into the US

Update October 19th: More on this scheme. Remember the purpose is to get more refugees in to the country because this private scheme would be in ADDITION to the present system. So, as it is described by one commenter: Instead of buying a $10,000 car in the coming year, what the heck adopt a Syrian … Continue reading State Department and refugee lobby group work on private sponsorship scheme to get more refugees into the US