Burma again: Did he cry for Americans on 9/11?

Editors note:  Pay attention!  This is not some faraway problem—it will be yours in the West when they start pushing in a big way for the resettlement of Rohingya to your towns! Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Turkish Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, who headed a delegation of Islamists to Burma (Myanmar) last week (here) … Continue reading Burma again: Did he cry for Americans on 9/11?

Burma: One of the few places in the world telling the OIC to take a hike!

The OIC, of course, is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and the Buddhists in Burma (Myanmar) believe they have come to their country to help facilitate the expansion of the Muslim population and Islam in the mostly Buddhist nation. Here is the story in the Irrawaddy (one of many today) about protests that greeted OIC … Continue reading Burma: One of the few places in the world telling the OIC to take a hike!

S. 744 provision: “Statelessness” would be one more reason to enter US illegally; receive asylum

As so-called “Immigration reform” surely now returns to the front burner in Congress, Don Barnett, writing at the Center for Immigration Studies, alerts us to yet another reason the Senate-passed S.744 will be a nightmare for America.  Barnett says being “stateless” in the US could be reason enough to allow the illegal entrant to stay … Continue reading S. 744 provision: “Statelessness” would be one more reason to enter US illegally; receive asylum