Union Leader article demonstrates secrecy federal contractors employ to “seed” your communities with more refugees

Update April 4th:  A reader directed us to the comment section at this Union Leader story (I admit I hadn’t previously read them), but here is just one of many great comments.  This one is from Jeannine Richardson and sums up the feelings of many: Rick D’Alarcao [another commenter] – I think you and Ginger … Continue reading Union Leader article demonstrates secrecy federal contractors employ to “seed” your communities with more refugees

Boatloads arrive in Australia too; Iranians top the list at the moment

I just old you about Malta and Italy where boatloads of Africans are arriving looking for the good life, and as regular readers know, Australia too is being swamped.  In fact, to read Australian media accounts it seems illegal immigration (aka seeking asylum in politically-correct lingo) is the biggest political issue the government there faces. … Continue reading Boatloads arrive in Australia too; Iranians top the list at the moment

World Relief to the Burmese: get your family members signed up quickly

The other day we had a story from Ft. Wayne, Indiana about Burmese family members signing up to get to your town (now that family reunification is open again after years due to fraud discovered in 2008).   There was a suggestion in that recent news from Ft. Wayne that the program for Burmese is … Continue reading World Relief to the Burmese: get your family members signed up quickly

Will Islam take over America? Very likely in your children’s lifetime says author

Many Muslim leaders have made it plain that they plan to subjugate America under Islam. We should take them seriously.  [Kilpatrick] The Catholic World Report published an interview with author William Kilpatrick who says the US is on the same river as Europe, just a little farther from the falls. What Kilpatrick doesn’t tell us … Continue reading Will Islam take over America? Very likely in your children’s lifetime says author