Welcoming counties! Are you ready to provide foreign language interpreters?

Please pay attention Wyoming!  Do you have a plan for your county courts? Continuing on a theme we have been mentioning lately thanks to reader ‘pungentpeppers’ interest (and ours!) in the issue, “welcoming” counties can now add to their social service budgets (in addition to welfare of all sorts, medical care and subsidized housing), the … Continue reading Welcoming counties! Are you ready to provide foreign language interpreters?

Top ten languages spoken by refugees admitted to US (2008-2013)

Your tax dollars!  Note especially to our Wyoming and Toledo, Ohio readers! When your “welcoming” community is preparing to open its arms to refugees for the first time, remember it is required by federal law that your local government is responsible for the cost of educating the kids (don’t forget the ESL budget), and for … Continue reading Top ten languages spoken by refugees admitted to US (2008-2013)

Update from Appleton: community meeting puts refugees on display

They say it was planned before the latest uproar about Appleton, Wisconsin and whether it could support more needy refugees, but this—a show and tell of sorts—is a standard practice for refugee contractors like World Relief.  They know if they can showcase some happy refugees it becomes easier for them to demonize anyone who objects … Continue reading Update from Appleton: community meeting puts refugees on display

From Bangladesh to Brooklyn, but not as refugees

Several readers sent me this important article by Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage magazine, published last week, entitled, ‘Beheadings, Bombings and New York’s Little Bangladesh.’  They wanted to know if most of these Bangladeshis taking over neighborhoods in NYC are “refugees.” Well, no, not technically.  We have only taken a handful of Bangladeshis directly from Bangladesh through … Continue reading From Bangladesh to Brooklyn, but not as refugees