Rohingya Muslims arriving in Malaysia in large numbers, how many are headed to the US?

This is a story I never got around to last week (traveling), but wanted to be sure you see it and understand that…. ….we are probably taking some of the illegal migrants that arrive in Malaysia as ‘refugees’ to your towns and cities. We haven’t written much about the Rohingya issue in Burma and Bangladesh … Continue reading Rohingya Muslims arriving in Malaysia in large numbers, how many are headed to the US?

In refugee-saturated North Carolina, Burmese refugee kills Burmese children in his neighborhood

Update March 19th:  See refugee agency “disturbed” and quick to say refugees have criminal background checks before arriving in the US.  So what about mental illness screening?  The victims had only been in the US for just a little over 4 months. He was described as crazy and people feared him. So the next time … Continue reading In refugee-saturated North Carolina, Burmese refugee kills Burmese children in his neighborhood

In advance of Obama’s visit to Burma, the NYT does the Rohingya as victims story

  I would have to write a book to tell you why this story is so infuriating to me.  I don’t have time for books!  But, I have followed the Burma (Myanmar) Rohingya Muslim issue for years (174 previous posts in our Rohingya category) and it makes me want to explode when I see the … Continue reading In advance of Obama’s visit to Burma, the NYT does the Rohingya as victims story

VDARE writer shares testimony on FY2015 refugee admissions

Editors note:  Daily readers know that the US State Department asks for testimony every year on the “size and scope” of the Refugee Admissions program for the upcoming fiscal year. In past years in addition to mailing in testimony, the State Department invited members of the public to appear and comment in person.  This year … Continue reading VDARE writer shares testimony on FY2015 refugee admissions

Utah: Burmese Muslim refugee sentenced in brutal rape/murder of little girl

Diversity is strength alert! For long-time readers, Esar Met should be a familiar name.  He was convicted of raping and murdering a fellow refugee—a little Christian girl—in the apartment complex where naive resettlement agency employees and the US State Department had placed him. Right after the murder in 2008, it was not too difficult for … Continue reading Utah: Burmese Muslim refugee sentenced in brutal rape/murder of little girl