Wall Street Journal's immigration writer ticks me off with fluff on "welcoming" Utah

I’ve got other things I’m working on this morning, but have put them on hold so I can blow off steam!  A reader just sent me this story….grrrrr! Wall Street Journal reporter Miriam Jordan writes ‘authoritatively’ on Muslim refugees going to”welcoming” Utah and fails to mention the horrific murder case that dragged on for years … Continue reading Wall Street Journal's immigration writer ticks me off with fluff on "welcoming" Utah

Salt Lake City: Violent Somali teen shot by police

Update March 2: No surprise! Protesters come out in rage against police, here. Update March 1: Mohamed was resettled in Utah by Catholic agency, here. You watch, this will turn into another story about overzealous police.  There will be no mention of the refugee resettlement program bringing Somalis and other Muslim refugees to colonize Utah … Continue reading Salt Lake City: Violent Somali teen shot by police

Nebraska bill would place financial responsibility on refugee resettlement contractors

All over the country, various governors and state legislatures are attempting to get some control over the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program which has, up until now, placed third world refugees in cities and towns in 48 states with no serious attempt to get local input. Now I see that a bill has been … Continue reading Nebraska bill would place financial responsibility on refugee resettlement contractors

Malaysia: Obama (today) meets with Rohingya (Burmese) Muslims on way to US

This story is a Drudge headline this morning:  Obama defiant: vows more refugees. ***Update*** November 22:  Almost 15,000 Burmese Muslim came in as refugees in last ten years, here. He is in Malaysia, a safe Muslim country which is sending Rohingya Muslims (who arrive there illegally) to America!  So while we have anxiety about Syrian … Continue reading Malaysia: Obama (today) meets with Rohingya (Burmese) Muslims on way to US

Wyoming Republican Governor Matt Mead still angling to bring in refugees! Why???

He says he just wants a civil discussion to get the facts.  Indeed that is all we have ever asked for over the last 8 years—the facts!  All of the facts! All of the facts to be laid out in public—the good, the bad and the ugly. And, that is exactly what the UN/US State … Continue reading Wyoming Republican Governor Matt Mead still angling to bring in refugees! Why???