Foreign operatives and foreign-owned businesses changing America by changing the people

The Wall Street Journal’s Miriam Jordan gives us a peak inside the employment services that the nine major refugee resettlement contractors offer American businesses. I just want to scream when I see stories like this—what about Americans who might like to own a small business or need work? Everyone working in ‘pockets of resistance’ must … Continue reading Foreign operatives and foreign-owned businesses changing America by changing the people

Texas sues Obama Administration and a resettlement contractor

Update December 5th:  Texas already backed down, here. On Monday we reported that Texas was planning to sue the federal government and the International Rescue Committee, now they have done it. Everyone wants to know if states have any rights under the federal Refugee Act of 1980, but since, as far as we know, no … Continue reading Texas sues Obama Administration and a resettlement contractor

Texas governor threatens lawsuit against resettlement contractor over Syrians

Abbott vs. Miliband! The threat is directed at the International Rescue Committee*** headed by the former British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband. The lawsuit would pit Abbott against Miliband who came to the US in 2013 to head up the largest (financially) of the nine US resettlement contractors. From the Houston Chronicle: AUSTIN – Texas officials … Continue reading Texas governor threatens lawsuit against resettlement contractor over Syrians

George Soros: EU must take in one million migrants a year…..

……for the foreseeable future! Invasion of Europe News….. We told you about the role of Hillary pal George Soros here the other day.  But, since everyone is talking about it, be sure to see Soros’ manifesto on how to bring down European borders forever. Out of his own mouth (hat tip: Skip).  The asylum seekers … Continue reading George Soros: EU must take in one million migrants a year…..

Boise, Idaho: Much wailing and gnashing of teeth as refugees get evicted, will they send some to Twin Falls?

I don’t know whether to take this story at its face value—new landlord wants to refurbish the apartments and put them back on the market at a higher price (landlords can do that right?).  Or, whether there is more to this story and the new landlord needs to let’s just say, clean up. (Once refugee … Continue reading Boise, Idaho: Much wailing and gnashing of teeth as refugees get evicted, will they send some to Twin Falls?