Richest refugee contractor says 8,000 Syrians not enough, wants 65,000 admitted to US

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) headed by a Brit—David Miliband the former British Foreign Secretary—restates its demand that Obama admit 65,000 mostly Muslim Syrians to the US ASAP. He also praises Germany, Iceland and Sweden for opening their nations to the hundreds of thousands of migrants swarming into Europe! Click here to learn more about David Miliband, … Continue reading Richest refugee contractor says 8,000 Syrians not enough, wants 65,000 admitted to US

Wichita KS: Schools desperate for more funding to cope with refugee overload

We told you about Wichita public school problems here back in the spring, now comes news that, as the school year is about to begin, the school system there is in desperate need of more funding due to the refugee overload—brought there by the International Rescue Committee and and Episcopal resettlement contractor.  See IRC in … Continue reading Wichita KS: Schools desperate for more funding to cope with refugee overload

Christians in Iraq utter desperate plea to the West: Destroy ISIS or open your doors and save us!

Just as the US Conference of Catholic Bishops lobbies Congress and the White House to admit 65,000 Syrian refugees (over 90% will be Muslims) a Catholic cleric in Iraq begs the West to save the Christians from the Muslim invaders. You can bet I’ll be watching to see if the US Bishops say a word … Continue reading Christians in Iraq utter desperate plea to the West: Destroy ISIS or open your doors and save us!

Refugee resettlement contractor wants Obama to raise the FY2015 ceiling on admission of refugees to bring in large number of Syrians

Update March 22nd:  This same Op-Ed is published at the Gulf Times and they have a poll, go there and answer the poll question—should we bring Syrians into the US or not? This is no surprise to us, the rumblings have been underway for months by others of the nine major US State Department resettlement … Continue reading Refugee resettlement contractor wants Obama to raise the FY2015 ceiling on admission of refugees to bring in large number of Syrians

International Rescue Committee study: refugees like cash better than services

They did not study refugees resettled in the US, but I’ll bet they would opt for cold hard cash over stuff too. Former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, the CEO of one of our top nine resettlement contractors, the International Rescue Committee, who himself likes cash (and is paid nearly a half million dollars as … Continue reading International Rescue Committee study: refugees like cash better than services