Sudanese man charged with murdering Hispanic co-worker in PA meat plant

Ah the joys of multiculturalism brought to us by one more foreign-owned meat packing company…. Longtime readers know that meatpackers love their cheap immigrant labor and are changing the face of small town America by luring refugee and other immigrant laborers to towns across the country for jobs that they say Americans won’t do.  This … Continue reading Sudanese man charged with murdering Hispanic co-worker in PA meat plant

The Asylumist blog takes a whack at Wyomingites opposed to refugee program; perpetuates the big lie

I wonder what blogger and immigration lawyer Jason Dzubow thinks of the Somali scheme (surely encouraged by Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains who resettled thousands of Somalis to CO to work in meatpacking) for “refugees” to high-tail-it to Wyoming to pick up subsidized housing vouchers to take back to Colorado (our top post for two … Continue reading The Asylumist blog takes a whack at Wyomingites opposed to refugee program; perpetuates the big lie

Will our voices be drowned by big ‘leftist’ money behind Obama and no-borders movement?

And, special feature:  The Commies at Casa de Maryland are at it again too! When you read this New York Times article you can pat yourselves on the back for holding off the no-borders leftists for as long as we have with mostly grassroots power and no money. But, don’t despair!  We can do it … Continue reading Will our voices be drowned by big ‘leftist’ money behind Obama and no-borders movement?

In Liberal, Kansas meat packing plant a black guy named Smith murders a Somali refugee

Update November 23rd:  For some reason this month-old story is exploding on the internet, does anyone know why?  See my post this morning. Liberal by the way, is the name of the town! Here we learn that an African-American killed one of his African ‘brothers’ apparently on the job at National Beef. It was just … Continue reading In Liberal, Kansas meat packing plant a black guy named Smith murders a Somali refugee