More evidence that big business is a driver of refugee resettlement in America

Update:  Be sure to learn more about what you should do about this during Election 2016 at American Resistance 2016! The so-called ‘religious’ charities*** that resettle refugees in America and those in the UN/US State Department administering the refugee admissions program that is bringing tens of thousands of Muslim (and other) refugees to your towns want … Continue reading More evidence that big business is a driver of refugee resettlement in America

'Unbound Philanthropy' exposed as big donor behind open borders movement/refugee resettlement/Trump protests

Thanks to Ed for sending this great investigative piece by Lee Stranahan at Breitbart on Unbound Philanthropy and its big kahuna William Reeves (and wifey Debbie Berger).  What a coincidence too, the pair is from Hawaii (bff Obama?). Stranahan tells us that when Trump was protested in Arizona and California a few months ago, the … Continue reading 'Unbound Philanthropy' exposed as big donor behind open borders movement/refugee resettlement/Trump protests

More from Twin Falls: Is our security threatened so big business can bring in cheap labor?

One of the citizens concerned about what is happening in Twin Falls, Idaho had an ‘opportunity’ to meet with three of the big players who flew out from Washington for a stacked public “forum” last week to try to tamp down the growing controversy about more refugees arriving in Twin Falls—more refugees than many in … Continue reading More from Twin Falls: Is our security threatened so big business can bring in cheap labor?

Big business drives refugee resettlement in America: Could Chobani Yogurt be behind the drive in Twin Falls?

  For years we have chronicled the involvement of BIG business in pushing for cheap immigrant labor. We’ve told you about meatpacking plants and hotel chains. Large agri-business concerns, including dairy farming conglomerates/egg producers, claim they need immigrant labor.  Most recently someone told me that a Lutheran nursing home chain was hiring refugee labor.  Here … Continue reading Big business drives refugee resettlement in America: Could Chobani Yogurt be behind the drive in Twin Falls?

Idaho: Get ready for Somali refugees as county approves huge meatpacking plant near Boise

Update June 22:  Twin Falls, ID newspaper editor attempts to silence RRW, here.   And, Boise Mayor welcomes third world to Idaho, here. One more piece of the puzzle has been found!  Idaho will ‘welcome’ refugees because big industries need cheap labor (for jobs Americans won’t do, right!). Reader Dave saw our post yesterday about Twin … Continue reading Idaho: Get ready for Somali refugees as county approves huge meatpacking plant near Boise