Big business drives refugee resettlement in America: Could Chobani Yogurt be behind the drive in Twin Falls?

Called the largest yogurt plant in the world, Hamdi Ulukaya opened the Chobani plant in Twin Falls, Idaho in 2012. It is financially involved with the College of Southern Idaho which coincidentally houses the refugee resettlement office there run by the Virginia-based US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, a federal resettlement contractor. How many refugee employees does Chobani want in Twin Falls?

For years we have chronicled the involvement of BIG business in pushing for cheap immigrant labor.
We’ve told you about meatpacking plants and hotel chains. Large agri-business concerns, including dairy farming conglomerates/egg producers, claim they need immigrant labor.  Most recently someone told me that a Lutheran nursing home chain was hiring refugee labor.  Here is one of many posts we have written on the subject of meatpackers changing small town America.
Indeed, why else would the Chamber of Commerce have played a major role in pushing the ‘Gang of Eight’ amnesty bill a few years ago—cheap labor for their big business members of course!
And, you Lefties wonder why wages are so low!
(Americans would do the work if wages weren’t artificially kept low by a glut of immigrant labor (both legal and illegal)).
I’ve even suggested that the nine major resettlement contractors (which are selecting your towns for resettlement) and the US State Department act as ‘head hunters’ for large corporate interests all the while wearing their humanitarian do-gooder hats!
We know why Democrats want the immigrant influx (voting power), but, why do you think that RINO Republicans, as well as Republican governors, keep their mouths shut about the refugee program even in the face of vocal resistance in communities suffering the financial and cultural impact (and possibly a threat to security) of dozens of nationalities of third worlders in their towns?
Money! Money! Money! (That is why they don’t listen to you!)
Chobani Turk
Is Kurdish-American Hamdi Ulukaya behind the drive to bring Syrian refugees to Twin Falls? Just wondering!

Great business model!

This morning I see news that the Kurdish-American owner of Chobani Yogurt has hired 600 refugees for his New York yogurt plant and that he is spending millions to help refugees.
Spending millions where the refugees live in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq etc. is a wonderful thing and he deserves praise for that, but if he is using his financial power to bring Syrian refugees to small town America we have a right to be informed!
Refugees are here legally and make a better supply of cheap labor because they cannot go home!
Here we learn about Hamdi Ulukaya, CEO of Chobani Greek Yogurt at the New York Daily News:

A Turkish yogurt executive is putting his money where his mouth is, hiring Syrian refugees and donating millions to the cause.

You will need to go to the NY Daily News link to watch the video where they brag about hiring 600 refugees for the New York plant.
By the way, there is a new large meatpacking plant opening soon near Boise, Idaho—are they going to be looking for the cheap refugee labor too?
Since these industries pay low wages, you lucky taxpayers get to supplement the refugee families through the welfare system.  Great business model isn’t it!
See all of our coverage of the conflict on-going in Twin Falls, Idaho, here.  See especially our initial report on the public meeting held earlier this week.
Incidentally, my research of a data base kept by the US State Department indicates that refugee resettlement to Twin Falls was slow up until Obama took office when the numbers going to Magic Valley Idaho ticked upward dramatically (so no wonder citizens began to notice changes in the community).

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