Changing America one meatpacker at a time, now it’s Montana’s turn

“It’s a really smart place for China to put in investment and to partner with Montana to have a really good packing industry and processing plant here.” (Fred Wacker, rancher) You know the phrase often used during Obama’s tenure in the Oval—changing America by changing the people.  Well, that’s what is happening because greedy global … Continue reading Changing America one meatpacker at a time, now it’s Montana’s turn

If your city has low income housing (or a greedy meatpacker nearby!) you could get refugees

During the final years of the Obama Administration, the US Department of State created a little booklet for communities to use to help plan for their town to be a new resettlement site. This morning, reader Joanne sent this news from Colorado: Ft. Collins hasn’t enough low income housing so refugees are not being placed … Continue reading If your city has low income housing (or a greedy meatpacker nearby!) you could get refugees

Comment worth noting: Reader tells us why cheap refugee labor has taken over meatpacking jobs

Editor:  We occasionally post comments or guest posts from readers that are so informative that we don’t want them lost where comments are normally posted.  This is from a reader answering my perennial question about how it came to be that good paying American jobs in the meatpacking industry have now become low paying jobs … Continue reading Comment worth noting: Reader tells us why cheap refugee labor has taken over meatpacking jobs

Refugees with low education levels needed for jobs like meatpacking

Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart yesterday analyzed the education levels of refugees arriving at record numbers in the US right now as Obama gets ready to vacate the White House. Readers here know that I have been for years discussing the role that BIG MEAT plays in the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program and my 6,000 … Continue reading Refugees with low education levels needed for jobs like meatpacking