Oh brother, now the New York Times is on the Rohingya bandwagon

Here we go again, the media drumbeat to bring more refugees to America is sounding! The Leftwing media is made up of a bunch of sheep as they follow one another with the same ‘news’ stories designed to advance a political agenda—in this case they are promoting the resettlement of Rohingya Muslims to America. When … Continue reading Oh brother, now the New York Times is on the Rohingya bandwagon

Rohingya Muslims are definitely being brought to American towns

We’ve suspected that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the US State Department are working to bring Rohingya boat people, who arrive illegally in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand to America, but yesterday we learned that 1,000 of them have come recently.     This is what we reported earlier in the week: How many … Continue reading Rohingya Muslims are definitely being brought to American towns

Ireland taking in more Rohingya Muslims; Syrians too

The Irish Times has published one of those touchy-feely articles about how the Rohingya, who have already arrived in Ireland, are faring.  Articles like this one are meant to ‘educate’ readers in advance of a new wave of Muslim migrants coming in from countries where warring factions are producing ‘refugees’ by the millions. We are … Continue reading Ireland taking in more Rohingya Muslims; Syrians too

Rohingya Muslims arriving in Malaysia in large numbers, how many are headed to the US?

This is a story I never got around to last week (traveling), but wanted to be sure you see it and understand that…. ….we are probably taking some of the illegal migrants that arrive in Malaysia as ‘refugees’ to your towns and cities. We haven’t written much about the Rohingya issue in Burma and Bangladesh … Continue reading Rohingya Muslims arriving in Malaysia in large numbers, how many are headed to the US?

In advance of Obama’s visit to Burma, the NYT does the Rohingya as victims story

  I would have to write a book to tell you why this story is so infuriating to me.  I don’t have time for books!  But, I have followed the Burma (Myanmar) Rohingya Muslim issue for years (174 previous posts in our Rohingya category) and it makes me want to explode when I see the … Continue reading In advance of Obama’s visit to Burma, the NYT does the Rohingya as victims story