University of Wisconsin hosts conference on discrimination against Muslim Rohingya

And, they claim the Rohingya of Burma are the “most persecuted people in our time.”  I suspect the Christians of the Middle East (Syria, Iraq) and Africa (Egypt, Nigeria, Central African Republic) might beg to differ. Here is the story at Eurasia Review: The first international conference in the USA on the plight of the … Continue reading University of Wisconsin hosts conference on discrimination against Muslim Rohingya

Burmese champion of human rights doesn’t take the Muslim Rohingya side and it steams them

Aung San Suu Kyi continues to be beaten up in the western media for refusing to condemn her co-religionists in the on-going conflict between Rohingya Muslims and Buddhists in Burma (aka Myanmar). And, why should you, living in American cities and towns, care what is going on in Burma? Because we have been resettling tens … Continue reading Burmese champion of human rights doesn’t take the Muslim Rohingya side and it steams them

Clamp-down on illegal boats seems to have cooled Rohingya plans to make a run on Australia

Gosh, could strict border enforcement work! For new readers, the Rohingya are Muslims, some of whom have lived in Burma, others in Bangladesh.  They are often called “stateless” by the human rights industrial complex which has made them a cause celebre in a public relations campaign we have followed for over five years.   We have … Continue reading Clamp-down on illegal boats seems to have cooled Rohingya plans to make a run on Australia

This is rich! UAE calls on Buddhist Burma to treat Muslim Rohingya better

Hey here is an idea, maybe rather than shoving the minority Muslim population down the throats of the Burmese, the rich United Arab Emirates could welcome the Rohingya to the UAE—but, oops! the UAE doesn’t take refugees! There would definitely be less tension in the whole world if we followed the Daniel Pipe’s plan of … Continue reading This is rich! UAE calls on Buddhist Burma to treat Muslim Rohingya better