Rohingya Muslims making a run for Australia; don’t believe Aussies will follow-through on get-tough policy

Here are some snippets of the story from The Sydney Morning Herald last week. There are two things that interest me in this report.   First and foremost, how do abjectly poor asylum seekers find $5000 each to hire human traffickers? This is my theory, I believe they are being paid by the likes of the … Continue reading Rohingya Muslims making a run for Australia; don’t believe Aussies will follow-through on get-tough policy

Thailand: Rohingya cry, put on act, when press is around

Update August 21:  86 “asylum-seeking” Rohingya break out of Thai detention facility and are on the run, here. I’ve been ignoring the news lately in Asia about the Rohingya Muslims (so busy reporting on the flood of asylum-seekers in Europe and the US) which have been streaming out of Burma and Bangladesh trying to get … Continue reading Thailand: Rohingya cry, put on act, when press is around

“Radical” Buddhists stand up to “radical” Rohingya Muslims in Burma

The Washington Post calls the Buddhists trying to keep Islamic supremacism from washing over Burma “radicals.”  But, of course the Rohingya Muslims are “long-suffering” and play no role (according to the media meme) in the bouts of violence springing up in Burma/Myanmar. Thanks to The Muslim Issue for directing us to the latest whitewash of … Continue reading “Radical” Buddhists stand up to “radical” Rohingya Muslims in Burma

Some real Christian charity toward the Rohingya!

Take note Catholic Bishops! This is what truly charitable people should be doing for refugees of the world—helping them where they live with private funding, instead of taking taxpayers’ money and dropping them off in slum neighborhoods in American cities, confused and jobless where they will turn to the local radical mosque for support! For … Continue reading Some real Christian charity toward the Rohingya!