Hungry Canadians move over! here come the Syrians looking for free food

According to CBC Canada, almost 27,000 Syrians have arrived in Canada since November and already (in 6 months) their private sponsors are falling down on the job and even government-funded refugees are scurrying to local food banks because they have no jobs and no money. CBC Canada (begins by describing the plight of one hungry family … Continue reading Hungry Canadians move over! here come the Syrians looking for free food

One Catholic in the world is not advocating for the wholesale movement of Syrians to the West….

He is the Archbishop of Aleppo, Syria and in this interview with Catholic News Service he is highly critical of Canada’s mass importation of Syrians.  (By the way, we have never seen a breakdown of the percentage of Muslim v. Christian Syrians Canada is admitting.) I’m guessing he would be even more appalled if he … Continue reading One Catholic in the world is not advocating for the wholesale movement of Syrians to the West….

Syrians in Greece picky about where they will go, reject Ireland

Whew! Does this mean Ireland could dodge a bullet! Invasion of Europe news…. Probably not as the Irish government still plans to persuade them to resettle there and begin Syrian Muslim colonies in the Republic of Ireland.  Of course this begs the question—if they think they can go country-shopping, how desperate are the Syrian migrants … Continue reading Syrians in Greece picky about where they will go, reject Ireland

"Alternative safe pathways" could bring ten times more Syrians to your towns than first proposed

You knew didn’t you!  You knew that Obama and the United Nations would not be satisfied with a paltry 10,000 Syrian (mostly Sunni Muslim) “refugees” for your American towns this year!  (I had previously cheered the fact that Obama was seemingly dragging his feet and might not reach his goal. Many of you, loyal readers, … Continue reading "Alternative safe pathways" could bring ten times more Syrians to your towns than first proposed