Thousands of Burmese Muslims arriving in camps in Thailand looking to be resettled in the West

Most of the Burmese (Myanmarese) refugees who have come to the US in the last few years are Christian, but it appears that Muslims now are getting the word and filling the camps in Thailand looking to register with the UN in order to be resettled.  The camp in this story, Mae La Camp, houses … Continue reading Thousands of Burmese Muslims arriving in camps in Thailand looking to be resettled in the West

“Fake refugees!” Immigration fraud charges in Thai refugee camps, some claim UN workers involved

We are resettling tens of thousands of Burmese refugees presently housed in UN run camps in Thailand.  Resettlement agencies in the US are quick to tell us that most are Karen or Chin Christians who fought in the democracy movement in Myanmar (aka Burma), but here is a story that confirms rumors we have been hearing.  Some refugees … Continue reading “Fake refugees!” Immigration fraud charges in Thai refugee camps, some claim UN workers involved

Reform Canadian immigration by taking more refugees the UN picks for them?

Canadian immigration minister, Jason Kenney, says he wants to reform the Canadian refugee program by getting rid of all the “fake” asylum seekers and taking more refugees that the UN wants to move out of camps around the world.   Nice sentiment I suppose but I see some flaws in his thinking. First, I see nothing mentioned … Continue reading Reform Canadian immigration by taking more refugees the UN picks for them?

Denmark: We will take Burmese refugees, but not Iraqis

I’ve had a pile of stuff on the on-going conflict involving Denmark and the Iraqi refugees they have been deporting, but lacking time, have posted little of it.  So, just accept this simple summary.  Many Iraqis who arrived (presumably illegally and then asked for asylum) in Denmark have been ordered deported.  So, political activists hid them in … Continue reading Denmark: We will take Burmese refugees, but not Iraqis